Laravel Course Syllabus:

Introduction of Laravel PHP Framework

Installing Laravel

Artisan CLI (command-line interface)

Laravel Directory Structure

Configuring a new Laravel project

Basic routing

Call a controller method from a route

Passing variables from controllers to views

HTML Template to Laravel Blade Template

Executing PHP functions in the blade

Displaying Your Views

Creating and using basic views

Loading a view into another view/nested views

Adding assets

Integrating with Bootstrap

Template inheritance

Master layout

Extending the master layout

Displaying variablesa

Blade conditional statements

Blade Loops



Requirements for running migrations

Artisan migration command

Migration structure

How to create a table using a migration

Laravel migration rollback

Database Seeding

Migrations for our project database

Using Forms and Gathering Input

Creating contact us form

Validating user input

Sending email

Creating a file uploader

Validating a file uploader

Creating a custom error message

Creating a registration & user login form

Using Artisan command to create an inbuilt user register and login system – Authenticating Your Application

Adding Custom Fields to Registration Form

Creating a user profile page

Admin Panel Setup


Setup Admin Panel using the Bootstrap theme

Create Admin login

Creating an admin authentication system

Encrypting and decrypting data

Using Controllers and Routes for URLs and APIs


Creating a basic controller

Creating a route using a closure

Making the controller RESTful

Using route groups

Building a RESTful API with routes

Eloquent ORM (Storing and Using Data)

Eloquent ORM Models

Naming conventions

Table name and primary keys



Using models in controllers

Displaying data from models in views

Creating and Using Composer Packages


Downloading and installing packages

How to use a basic Shopping Cart package in our project

Using Ajax and jQuery


Getting data from another page

Setting up a controller to return JSON data

Creating a Jquery, AJAX comment system

Security & Session

Using Security

Sessions Effective

Duration: 2.5 Months including Lab

Eligibility : UG/PG, BCA,, MCA
Job Aspirants

Pre-requisites: Html, JS, Core PHP